Video Circuits Berlin
VCB is a community meet-up for anyone in Berlin interested or curious about video circuitry, synthesis, visual coding, DIY electronics and tools. Gilbert Sinnott (autr) and I started orginising some events in 2019 - usually the format was a casual meet-up - a few talks or performances planned but mainly just a place to hang out and talk shop - we also had “open decks” where people could contribute to and play around on various video instruments. we were lucky to be able to host events out of Lacuna Labs (sadly no longer possible since realtors closed in and decided to kick out all the artists, and jack up the rents)
since i left Berlin in early 2021 Gilbert and some others have continued to organised events - we even did some diy soldering workshops, a meet-up and a garten party when i was back in town summer 2022!
theres a facebook group here and meet-up notes and photos also archived here
all poster credits to Gilbert ! love your work
some photos from this event

some photos from this event

some photos from this event

some photos from this event